Silent Hill, new installment can be released in August or September

Recently there has been a lot of fuss about the new production Silent Hill after Dusk Golem said that Silent Hill, the new work of the series is already in a playable state. Recently Dusk Golem again brought the news that a new Silent Hill installment is scheduled for release in August or September, so let’s find out.

Earlier in June, Dusk Golem had tweeted that a new game title was currently in a playable state and is being developed by Sony’s Japanese studio. At the time Dusk Golem speculated that this new Silent Hill title might be announced at the PS5 showcase event in June. Of course, it is now known that this speculation has not come true.

Recently, however, Dusk Golem tweeted again that a new Silent Hill title could be officially released in August or September. Sony may announce the new game at a live event in August, or the new Silent Hill will be released at the Kyung Game Show that will be online in September, but he doesn’t know the details.

Dusk Golem replied with the words “This time it’s 100% real! It seems that Dusk Golem is confident about his leaks. As long as this is not officially confirmed, you as a player should of course avoid having too much confidence in the information you receive.