PS5 survey | Sony beauty stances top against Scarlett, Switch and Google Stadia

PS5 is still the best choice in the gaming industry. The upcoming Sony Beast appears as a hype among gamers. There are many news and rumors these days about the possible design, its controls and the powerful machines it will have. After the announcement of Google Stadia, the information seems very interesting that on how much scale it will stand against PS5? A study based on a survey conducted by Harris Interactive explains of what UK players are most interested in for the next generation, be it traditional consoles or Stadia, Google’s streaming platform.

PS5 is still the best choice for players

Awareness of the existence of the new service is 39%, and up to 10% of players are ” quite familiar ” with its capabilities and operation. This is positive news for Google as the announcement of the Stadia took place only a few days ago.

Google has also considered the possibility of acquiring its services for the next generation, even through a hypothetical new Nintendo console, which will be the successor to Nintendo Switch. In particular, 25% would consider buying it, and 19% said that it is currently their preferred option.

The most interesting console for this next-generation console is PS5, with 38% considering buying it and up to 41% of British respondents saying they are going to get it. The next Xbox named Scarlett at the moment is an option for 26% of respondents and will most likely be bought by 24%.

Survey participants themselves confirm for the time being that they are still waiting to confirm their interest in Google Stadia until features such as the catalog at the time of the premiere and other features such as a monthly fee computed by some analysts are confirmed.