sleepbuds: New Bose Headphones Silence Snoring and Other Noises for You to Sleep

You have a light sleep, to the point of waking up just to hear a barking neighbor’s dog or someone knocking over an object in another room? Do you spend the night clear if you have someone snoring while sleeping next door? The new headsets from Bose, which are still in the prototype phase, are aimed at silencing these noises – and guaranteeing you the well-deserved rest.

sleepbuds New Bose Headphones Silence Snoring and Other Noises for You to Sleep

The manufacturer’s “sleepbuds” are described as devices capable of masking noise and exchanging unwanted sounds, from animals to cars and people through soft and relaxing audios, which are already pre-loaded on the device. That is, in addition to isolating noises, it also produces sounds more pleasing to the ears.

The Bose ensures that the design of the headphones is thought to be safe. And these are comfortable to use throughout the night, even if you sleep sideways or get a lot of sleep. It comes in three sizes and also includes an in-app volume slider for tablets and smartphones.

You can even set up an alarm clock to ring your headphones and wake you up in a subtle way, without awakening anyone else in the room. The battery provides up to two nights of use before needing recharging – and it happens inside the headphones case itself.

New Bose Headphones Silence Snoring and Other Noises for You to Sleep

The project belonged to a startup named Hush, who launched the idea two years ago. And then fell by the wayside. It comes with Bose, who redesigned the plan and finally put the product to the test. Is it alright? All units of the prototype already begun on the Indiegogo corporate financing site (for at least $ 150). That should mean a future commercial release.