Instagram prepares a new feature for students

The Instagram team is working on a new function designed for students.

Instagram, Instagram prepares a new feature for students, Optocrypto

According to The Verge, there are indications of a feature in the Instagram app code that would allow users to expand the information in the Bio by linking the educational institution to which it belongs.

That is, the student can link his or her university so that peers or other students from the institution can find it on Instagram, Facebook-style or LinkedIn. When adding this information, Instagram will ask the student to provide the name of the college, year and major. So, in a few clicks, you will have your university tagged to Instagram’s profile.

And as Jane Manchung Wong mentions, there would also be an option to report users who identify with an educational institution that they do not belong to and seek to deceive users. And of course, you can use the options already available at Instagram to report abuse or harassment.

This hidden feature has not yet been confirmed by Instagram, so we don’t know if this will be the dynamic that will finally implement or apply changes before they are released to users.

So just wait and see if this feature will come true in one of the next updates.