Google facilitates two-stage authentication on Android

For some time now, more and more services have been introducing two-stage user identity authentication. It is, of course, a question of increasing the level of safety. This second layer is usually an SMS message containing a unique code, which we enter in the service. Google has decided to make the Android verification process a little more comfortable.

Google facilitates two-stage authentication on Android

However, rewriting code can be a little troublesome when you use your smartphone and need to switch between applications and look into notifications to enter the code. Google is responding to these problems and is proposing a uniform solution for all codes sent by SMS.

In the new update of Android, Messages will detect whether you have just got to the two-stage authentication. If this is the case, they will add the “copy [code number]” button, as you can see in the picture, which will significantly speed up the process of entering the code. For the time being, the update is being implemented gradually and should be available to all in the coming days.

Google is not the first company to do this. It was already on Xiaomi and other Chinese phones. However, as many companies as possible offer such a solution, it is better. It is also worth remembering that it is possible that our verification code in SMS will be intercepted. It is therefore not the safest method of this type of verification.