Chatler, to recommend appropriate answers in private conversations on Facebook

Chatler is a new extension for Google Chrome that brings Artificial Intelligence capabilities. That processes the conversations that are maintained through the Facebook Inbox. And that extension makes it possible to carry out these conversations in a more agile and appropriate manner on each occasion.

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Also, the extension will be responsible for offering recommendations for answers. So, that is according to the different frequently asked questions that will be received. In addition, it will learn over time the usual answers that are given to the most common problems. And then have access to enough capacity to offer the recommendations of solutions according to the new conversations that are taking place.

For this, Chatler will generate its response database, organizing it in a structured way. And gives access to the most frequent answers through its interface. Its integration into the Inbox will be carried out by incorporating a new column at the end of the page of the Facebook Inbox.

At the moment, their service is not available openly, so those interested should fill out a form to participate. The idea is focused on its use by those users who want to maintain optimally. And fluid conversations with their corresponding legions of followers.
