YouTube now adapts to multiple aspect ratios

Today, multimedia content is one of the most important forms of entertainment that can be enjoyed on our smartphones, tablets, and computers. It is no coincidence that the screens of electronic devices are constantly being optimized to offer the user a more realistic and immersive experience.

YouTube recognizes that its platform is the main source of free multimedia content today, although it offers other services on a subscription basis without advertising, and will soon launch YouTube Music, a subscription-based service similar to Spotify.

As a result, the Google platform offers improvements in video quality, and today it has begun to optimize one of the most important: the aspect ratio. Until now, YouTube has forced users to watch all videos at 16:9, which means that they were surrounded by the black bars typical of old VHS movies.

Specifically, the platform has introduced a change that adapts the video player to the aspect ratio of your favorite media content.

Though it may seem like a change without much impact, the user experience will change greatly as you can now focus all your attention on what is happening in the playback window. In addition, the position of the player’s control buttons is adjusted to the size of the video.

So far, the company has not made any official statements on this change, meaning that it is an imposed operational improvement and that it is unlikely to make any major changes unless users start to complain. For example, discomfort can occur because new aspect ratios also change the positions of some important functions of the website.

If you customize the video in Panorama view, the description text, channel names, and even the subscription buttons are displayed below to prioritize the image. There’ s no doubt that YouTube wants to increase its audience, and this feature will certainly give you a lot to tell in the next few days.