What to keep in mind before buying a gaming PC?

It’s very difficult to choose a PC for games, and even more difficult to decide if it is new, both in price and hardware. Some new computers are overpriced and not everyone has enough money to buy one.

Is it cheaper to build or buy a computer, what components are specified, how and where should I buy them, what parts should I buy to play smoothly and without inconvenience?

It is more efficient and cheaper to build a computer, as this saves more money just by buying the components you need, but also involves risky decisions about buying used or obsolete parts.

In order not to take these kinds of risks, today we will show some steps and advice that need to be taken into account in order to save money and get a good quality workforce.

Correct planning of needs. An obvious step, if you don’t want to spend, you just have to think about buying what you need, but there are many people who just buy on impulse without knowing what the real priority is. Everything is in the use you want to give the computer.

It is very important to know that you should save so much money on the graphics card if you want to play games.

Think long term. You should always think about the future and not buy parts that won’t work in four or five months or will be out of date. One recommendation is that the box should be quite spacious if you need to add some future pieces later. The source must have a large capacity, as adding new components requires more energy.

Search compares and creates a table. Already knowing what parts are needed to make the desired PC, it is important to note that the best way to compare prices, brands, quality and an accurate analysis of each one is by creating a comparison chart.

Buy online and take advantage of offers. To compare prices also goes into the table, and the important thing is to find prices and quality of the product in order to save as much as possible. Enter and search in various virtual and physical stores so that you can find the cheapest price for each item.

Another option is to search for discounts like Black Friday, Amazon Prime Day or even Cyber Monday, it is very convenient to wait for these days because you can find a bargain (register before the price of what you want to check to see if it is actually cheaper).

4 GB of RAM serves just like a 500 GB hard drive. The 8GB RAM serve a lot, and everyone knows it, but it’s not necessary to invest so much money in a RAM card. With 4gb is more than enough, since with this capacity many powerful programs can be executed.

Like RAM, we’d all like to have a 1TB hard drive, but let’s face it… if you don’t want to store a lot of information, you can buy one of 500GB, and the rest of the money on these two components can be invested in the graphics card.

When it comes to hard drives, always invest in SSD, because it’ s worth it.