A Fresh VR device called Valve Index was seen on steam. This device, unveiled with very few details, has its own page in the Valve Store with the sentence “Upgrade your experience” and a date showing May 2019. The new virtual reality glasses from Valve are expected to be completely announced for next May in a risky bet by Valve, with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, the two most popular devices within the virtual reality crowd on the PC, to compete on a larger scale.
The UploadVR source managed to get some prototype filtered images in November, adding that the field of view (FoV) will be 135 degrees and the resolution will be similar to the HTC Vive Pro with 1440×1600 pixels per eye. The Valve Index will most likely be integrated into the Knuckles SteamVR Motion Controller as well as some games, possibly even a version of Half-Life developed for Virtual Reality.
A few months ago SteamDB also discovered the Valve Index logo in the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) database. That’s all we currently know about the device. Valve calls us to wait until May to discover all the details about their virtual reality glasses so we can see what they really look like and What can Valve Index offer against Oculus or Vive? There’s no doubt that price will be the key to your success.