A tool for programmers to share files

Remco Verhoef is behind, a cloud-based file storage and distribution service that aims to provide an alternative for programmers who do not want to use Dropbox, google drive and other industry options.

This is a file dump service that allows you to send files via curl, on the command line, being saved there for 14 days (after that time the entire content is deleted).

The goal is to be able to offer a solution that uploads files easily while we continue to work in the console, without having to interrupt the work to open external solutions. He created it by feeling the need to send log data from an ssh shell with someone else, so he made a program that uses the command line and modifies the file on the fly, like encrypting the contents, applying to grep, etc.

The application has been made open source and can be run on anyone’s server. Verhoef does not promise security on its platform, so it recommends that you channel files through gpg before uploading them. Regarding its use, they say that some people are already using it to distribute malware, botnets and other malicious tools, but they try to block it whenever possible.

They don’t have a business model, they have the site running “as a courtesy,” they told TC, but they are already thinking about creating a store and increasing the number of services offered.