Today Google brings more Facebook traffic to the websites

The growth is due to the “Amp” (Accelerated mobile pages), a new open-source format that allows you to load items faster on mobile. Result: more traffic and more publicity, so much so that publishers are running

Today Google brings more Facebook traffic to the websites

Publishers have a new (old) ally: Google. The search engine has also surpassed Facebook on mobile as a source of traffic. That is confirmed by a search by Chartbeat. In the first week of February, Google contributed over one billion page views (40% more than a year ago); Facebook has stopped at 740 million (20% less). Overtaking took place last August.

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Although the changes were announced in January. And they should have an increasing impact in the future, already in 2017, the sites recorded a decline in the “organic reach” (i.e., the traffic that arrives from Facebook without paying). Google, on the other hand, is pushing in the opposite direction. A big part of the growth is due to the “Amp.” It is a new format (open source but mainly used by Big G). That allows you to load the articles more quickly on mobile (Amp stands for “accelerated mobile pages”), without obliging users to jump from one site to another. Result: more traffic and more publicity, so much so that publishers are running.


On February 14th, Google announced that there are 31 million those that have already adopted the Amp (25% more than in October). The «accelerated pages» work to such an extent that Big G has decided to use them even in newborn Stories. Mountain View then actively aims to occupy the space that Facebook has left vacant.