Sony announces a €100 rebate on the Playstation VR + Playstation Camera pack

Sony announced today that they have officially announced that the PlayStation VR pack, which includes the PlayStation Camera, will be reduced to €299, a €100 discount compared to the previous €399 retail price (although it can be found at Amazon at €379), which puts the pack at the same rate as the pack without the PlayStation Camera. This pack also includes the title VR Worlds, so it covers almost the entire VR experience in the absence of the Move controls.

Sony announces a €100 rebate on the Playstation VR + Playstation Camera pack

It is expected that this drop will also affect the rest of the packages of this peripheral that include the headset since it makes little sense to continue selling only the headset at the same price as the pack. This new price will become a reality from tomorrow when the stores should already be offering the package with the original retail price.