AMD has long adhered to the same desktop socket – AM4, which was introduced with the first boards in 2016. Backward compatibility means customers have room for cheaper upgrades, as they only need to replace the processor and do not need to buy a new board, which can be very expensive in some higher configurations.
According to unofficial information published on the website by the manufacturer of XMG Apex 15 desktop notebooks, the upcoming Ryzen 4000 desktop PC will also maintain compatibility with the current chipsets.
The manufacturer claims that the next generation will be compatible with the chipset used in this notebook – the AMD B450. It can, therefore, be assumed that this will also be the case for the higher X4xx and X5xx series. AMD is also preparing a new 600 series chipsets, which will bring several technological innovations.
As in the past, it is expected that new firmware (bios) will have to be installed for older boards and older chipsets to ensure that the processors and their configurations are correctly recognized.