Qualcomm recently held a two-day Snapdragon Technology Summit. While previous Qualcomm Snapdragon Summits were mostly about the promise of 5G, this one was more about delivering on that promise and showcasing the company’s latest mobile SoC for high-end 5G smartphones. – Snapdragon 888.
Previous Snapdragon summits have been held in Maui, Hawaii, and showcased the full range of Qualcomm technology. This year, the summit had to be virtualized and scaled-down due to the pandemic and travel restrictions to Hawaii. As expected, the company is focused on the ongoing rollout of 5G technology and Qualcomm’s efforts to drive the ecosystem. Qualcomm said 5G is on the verge of reaching an inflection point. The company expects to ship more than 175 million 5G phones by 2020, growing to 450 million by 2021 and more than 750 million by 2022. Apple iPhone 12s. If this prediction comes true, it will mark the fastest growth of any mobile generation to date. To support this deployment, 5G is being rolled out by more than 100 carriers in 40 countries/regions.
Guests from both Verizon and NTT DoCoMo praised the value and innovation that 5G is driving. In addition to carriers, Sony and OnePlus have added value to mobile gaming through partnerships with Activision and Epic Games, respectively. Of course, there is hope for how 5G will drive the future (e.g., self-driving cars) and bring new businesses we can’t imagine today.