Opera Reborn 3 enables access to applications in the Ethereum block chain dApps

On Tuesday, Opera announced Reborn 3, a new desktop version of the Opera browser that, in addition to integrating a portfolio of cryptoactive applications, also allows access to applications in the Ethereum block chain, known as dApps, or distributed applications.

The company introduces three new features in Reborn 3: Web 3 access, faster integrated VPN and an ad blocker. Regarding Web 3, Opera points out the following:

Web 3 is a generic term that includes emerging technologies that intersect cryptographic media, block chains, and distributed systems that together expand the capacity of the Web we use today in an important and significant way.


In addition to managing the private key of its cryptoactives, the Reborn 3 portfolio synchronizes with this application portfolio for Android to host functional and non-functional tokens. “The Web 3 functionality in Opera allows access to distributed applications in the Ethereum block chain,” says the Opera blog.

This can be seen as a limitation of the new portfolio, as the announced access to dApps requires matching with the portfolio of the Opera app for Android, which would act similar to Metamask.

In preliminary tests with this new version, some errors in the VPN service were detected. After repeated attempts it was not possible to connect to this service. Attempts to synchronize the Handy Wallet with the Desktop Wallet were also unsuccessful.

Opera offers the installation links of the new version for Widows, MacOS and Linux in its blog.

Image: stock.adobe.com