Download Opera 44 Reborn New Look like Vivaldi Web Browser

 Download Opera 44 Reborn, a new stylish look web browser. Thriving browser Opera performs precisely milestone in the development. On its blog appeared message to release the first compilation of Reborn series. It is the latest developer Opera 44 Of course. This renaissance associates with the intention of returning to its former glory under the sign of Opera 12.
Download Opera 44 Reborn

Opera 44 Dev brings far-reaching changes in the interface. The most important of them is the side panel. Which features the speed dial keys, history, bookmarks and settings.The same set of icons just as previous on the speed dial. From now on you can permanently attach to the edge of the window. In addition to the panel, you can add Messenger, which is displayed on the side. There is an option to clip on a permanent basis.

Sounds familiar? Of course. The new interface Opera supplements with sidebar. That presents a dot in dot like Vivaldi. The new feature is that there are panels which contains powerful tools. You can add any page, view it on mobile or desktop mode, and create notes. And even use comfortably with advanced web applications.

Download Opera 44 Reborn VS Vivaldi?

Sidebar in Opera looks similar, as in the case of Vivaldi. But Vivaldi does not offer these features. Buttons can simply open on another hand. There is also the possibility to add your own customized buttons. Of course you can not forget that this is a development version and functionality will steadily increase. But there is no way to resist the impression that Opera slightly gone too far for resembling Vivaldi.

And this does not concern only about the side panel. The new Opera also appears a dark theme that implements at the settings in the browser menu. Just like themes options for the Vivaldi browser, there is an advanced wizard, including the ability to change the theme in the daily cycle. The installer trial version can be found Here.