Newegg lists the Intel Optane SSD 905P and mentions the need for heat sinks

Newegg started shipping the Intel Optane SSD 905P in M.2 22100 format, which raised some doubts about certain information on the product page. Newegg’s listing says: “An additional thermal solution is required” at the top of the page, but gives us no recommendations or details beyond this statement.

Intel Optane SSD 905P in M.2 22110 format is listed in Newegg with a small surprise

Pictures of the 905P M.2, which is covered with a passive EK cooler, have been seen, but most of the pictures supplied by Intel show only the naked NVME device. The 905P M.2 drives exhibited at Computex last June were also free of a heat sink. Tweaktown contacted Intel to get answers. The information received reads: “Intel is working with EK to ensure that the thermal solution is available free of charge to customers who purchase the M.2 905P.

The trick is to make sure retailers have it in stock so it can be packaged with the Intel Optane SSD 905P M.2. “In addition to the hundreds of motherboards that support the 22 X 110 M.2 905P, there is a subset of motherboards that ship with their own thermal solution developed for the SSD. This thermal solution is included in the baseplate box for those who wish to use it. It is not clear whether Newegg plans to supply the 905P M.2 with the 110mm EK cooler, the company offers the 80mm EK SSD cooler, but a 110mm version cannot be found locally.

For the time being, Newegg is expected to comment on this topic.