Lisa Su admits that AMD has a large overstock of GPUs

AMD has achieved its most profitable year since 2011, and now investors are excited about the company’s future. AMD’s share price rose 20 percent yesterday, reflecting the good figures in the last quarter and the annual report published yesterday.

But the figures are not everything, and we can also know other important information. One thing that drew attention to the report is that Lisa Su herself revealed that AMD and its employees still have thousands of video records in their holdings.

This, of course, does not just happen with AMD. Nvidia had big problems with Pascal with overstock in 2018, although the stock is minimal at that time and some models have even been taken off the market.

As Nvidia has done with Pascal, AMD is launching several promotions and discounts to try to sell its graphics before bringing its next generation to market. Currently, GPUs are sold at super cheap prices and have two or three gift sets so that the consumer benefits.

Lisa Su mentioned that she expects these overstocks to reach into the first half of 2019 and normalize by the end of Q2. Then it is expected that Navi will be released in Computex 2019.

