The latest Samsung patent shows a rolling screen that is activated by fingerprint

The South Korean technology giant Samsung is still looking for innovative products. And has just presented a patent for a rolling screen that can be activated by fingerprint.

The industry has been working with the idea of folding screens for some time, and we have seen several patents and prototypes in recent months. We may see smartphones with folding screens in 2018 and Samsung could be a pioneer in this trend.

The latest Samsung patent shows a rolling screen that is activated by fingerprint

Samsung is not the first to play with the idea of a rolling screen. LG has an extensible screen patent, but Samsung’s design is different. Samsung’s patented display uses magnets placed along the main body that houses the screen to roll up and unroll it.

The patent reveals two types of bodies, both metallic, where the roller screen wraps by the magnets. 

One is cylindrical, and they both come with fingerprint sensors. That allowed users to unfold the roller screen with a finger touch. The size suggests that it could be used in smartphones.The patent reveals two types of bodies, both metallic, where the roller screen wraps by the magnets.  | Source: LetsGoDigital

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