Invision launches Studio, its own “Photoshop”

A new alternative to Photoshop comes to the market and in this case the hands of Invision.

An invision is a collaborative tool for creating prototypes. Also, that is a platform we’ve talked about several times since its launch in 2011. Today, they announce Studio, an application to create and edit design works. And send it later to the cloud to allow collaboration since its platform.

Invision Studio features

Studio allows users of Photoshop and Sketch to have no problems with their use. But it is designed specifically for the workflow of the modern designer since Phosothop was initially oriented towards photo editing. And today it is used for practically everything.

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The new tool has a design function that allows you to see the result on different screens. And will offer shared design systems, hexadecimal codes and other design components to save you time. We will be able to upload content instantly into InVision Cloud. And have your application store to create products of all kinds.

Also, they have not yet announced official prices, as the official launch will only be made in January.

So, here you have it on video, which shows some of the functions that we can access with this new tool.

