Instagram added feature to tag persons in video clips

At the moment, users can mark their friends on Instagram in photos and in Stories mode. Simply touch an image and then type someone else’s nickname to do this and that’s it. Previously it was not possible to mark this type of marking in video clips directly. It will change now.

According to Tech Crunch, users will soon be able to mark their friends in any video clip, not just in the subtitle that accompanies the video. According to Tech Crunch, a few users already have this feature, which means that Instagram has started to run some public tests.

Instagram has confirmed that this is a new feature that is being tested among selected users of the application. A spokesperson added that the company is still trying to improve the Instagram experience and bring people closer together. However, for the time being, there is no official information about the possible release of this feature.

Hopefully, it will be on the market soon since Instagram is investing heavily in the video. Recently, the IGTV service was launched, which allows users to create and upload video clips that take longer than a few seconds in stories.