Google Chrome ad blocker, How to Enable and Block ads without any extention

We told you a while ago that Google Chrome was going to launch its ad blocker. This blocker was expected to arrive in 2018. That is a filter that will only block ads that are annoying to the user and do not meet the Google criteria. The interesting news is that this is now available in latest version of Google Chrome.


You can now try Google Chrome ad blocker by following simple procedures. And believe me, this will use many fewer resources as compared to other ad blockers.

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It is a project that seeks to stop users from using other blockers such as Ad-Block or similar. So it will be interesting to see the reception you have in the market. There are still a few months left to reach Google Chrome, but it is already possible to prove it by tweaking the hidden options that clean your Chrome cache.

Try the ad blocker

Google Chrome wants to give users the opportunity to try out this ad blocker. As we know, there are still months until the final version of this Google Chrome adblocker reaches the latest version of a browser. So, it is a good time to start learning about this project. Of course, until its arrival, it is highly likely that many things will change in this blocker.
It is expected to work better and consume fewer resources than external ad blockers.

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And it will be released for desktop versions of Google Chrome. If you want to get involved in working out this ad blocker before it reaches the market, you can still do it. Just you have to go to Menu> Settings> Content Settings, and there is an option called ads. If you have it in English, the path to follow is Menu> Settings> Site Settings and the Ads option. And here you can tweak the new Google Chrome ad Blocker options.

Ad-Block or Google Chrome ad blocker?

Now you simply have to try this advertising blocker and check its operation. We’ll see if it works as well as Google says or if Ad-Block will remain the users’ favorite option.