G.Skill reaches 5,000 MHz in Trident Z DDR4 memory

The world leader in PC memory, G.Skill, is proud to announce that it has achieved a speed of 5,000 MHz in its air-cooled Trident Z modules. That is a feat that demonstrates the great evolution that this memory is undergoing.

G.Skill reaches 5,000 MHz on their Trident Zs

G.Skill has been able to put its Trident Z DDR4 memories at a frequency of 5,000 under air-cooled, dual channel configuration, a feat that until very recently was only possible with the help of liquid nitrogen. To make this possible, an MSI Z370I GAMING PRO CARBON AC motherboard and an Intel Core i7 8700K processor have been used.

The memory modules used by G.Skill are based on the best quality DDR4 chips manufactured by Samsung, the feat will allow the brand to market 5 GHz memory within a few months. The manufacturing processes of the memory chips are more and more refined, which enables these chips to have better and better quality over the months, allowing them to reach higher frequencies.

G.Skill reaches 5,000 MHz on their Trident Zs

We don’t know how long it will take to see the first 5,000 MHz DDR4 memory modules in stores, but if it is sure, they will not be exactly cheap.