With the right communication, rather than capital and technical requirements, we create the best possible conditions for everything to run smoothly in the company.
Employees who work according to regulations or who have already terminated their contract internally can no longer afford a company in times of a shortage of skilled workers.
Motivated people are a company’s most powerful resource. They are the key resource that fuels the growth engine. According to the Gallup study (PDF), the economy loses 99 billion euros in turnover every year because employee motivation is underestimated.
Companies and managers play a decisive role in motivating employees to do their work with pleasure.
Employees are the adjusting screw for success
The case will always be the satisfaction of the employees. It is the central adjusting screw for the success of the company. With the right employee care, it fires up the company’s engine. However, a few well-motivated employees can achieve more than many poorly motivated ones.
Nobody should adulate his employees or even open a wish concert of different needs or interests. Satisfaction and motivation are not for sale. Investing more money does not automatically mean more performance by employees in companies. In other words, incentives were yesterday! They have a short-term effect and require constant replenishment before they lose their appeal completely…
4 steps to success: Effective motivation
Step 1 to success:
“What and how you do it is uninteresting, why you do it is important!” When employees know why they are doing something, they see their work with completely different eyes. Why gives meaning to the activity and promotes motivation, satisfaction and a good corporate culture – this is the first step to success!
Step 2 to success:
“Conflicts and problems are like shoelaces – those who leave them open are in danger of falling.” When addressed directly and clearly, disagreements and problems can usually be clarified much faster and easier than when they have solidified. A sure sign that conflicts or problems have got stuck is a dispute that follows the next. Then it may be advisable to call in professional help from outside. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing valuable workers due to demotivation, illness or even dismissal.
Step 3 to success:
“Reproaches and criticism are like carrier pigeons, they always return to their own stable.” No one who experiences criticism will continue to work with motivation and commitment. No matter how justified she is and how much the critic feels right.
The mistake has happened. No criticism from the world can change the situation now. The only way to make it worse is to criticize. Better to address the error constructively and find a solution together. “Marianne, I’m sure you can imagine that I’m not enthusiastic about…” How can we solve the problem? And how do we ensure that it never happens again?”
Motivate the person who caused the error to help with the solution. This is the best motivation and lesson to avoid the same mistake in the future. And that’s what superiors want, after all.
Step 4 to success:
“If the employees feel comfortable, it always fires the engine of growth.” In companies where the corporate culture is coherent, it is also the turnover. Customers, suppliers and applicants notice this. The following method is a good test of whether everything is going well: “An applicant wanted me to tell him why he should choose our company among the many offers – I sent him to the colleague he has been working with since then.
The right communication, the dialogue, creates an emotional bond!
Motivated employees are a company’s most powerful resource
Motivation and enthusiasm are contagious; it is transferred from the boss to the managers and from there to the employees. If the motivation chain is broken, success stagnates – and that can be avoided.