7 out of 10 employees prefer Mac to PC and iOS to Android

According to the new survey shared last Friday by Apple’s IT management platform, Jamf, Apple computers and devices are becoming an increasingly popular choice among business organizations that allow their employees to choose their work teams.

According to the data provided, 72% of employees in this type of company choose Mac computers over Windows PCs as their operating system. Meanwhile,m when it comes to mobile devices, 75% of enterprise workers choose iOS devices over Android. As a result, Apple computers are gaining in popularity with companies that give their employees the freedom to choose the devices to work with. Among them, 52 percent allow employees to choose their computers, while 49 percent allow employees to choose their mobile devices.

Of those organizations, 72 percent of the employees included in Jamf’s survey chose Mac, while 28 percent chose PCs. For mobile devices, 75 percent of respondents chose an iPhone or iPad, while only 25 percent chose an Android device.

iOS and Mac beat Android and PC in the enterprise

According to employees, the ability to choose their operating systems and devices makes them more productive. 68 percent of respondents said this possibility improves their productivity, while 77 percent said they are more likely to stay with a company that allows employees to choose the devices they work with.

“When it comes to attracting and retaining the best talent in the business, the job landscape is more competitive than ever,” said Dean Hager, CEO of Jamf. “And, with the greatest global talent shortage in 10 years, it’s no wonder that one of the top priorities of business organizations is to create the best experience for employees. When employers combine freedom of technology choice with Apple, the results are greater employee retention, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Jamf’s survey was conducted in March 2018 on a universe of 580 IT executives, managers and professionals from organizations around the world.