Dynamic Local Mode, AMD optimized the game performance of its Ryzen Threadripper

The AMD threadripper 2970WX and 2920X will be on the shelves from 29 October. They complement the new Threadripper 2 series, AMD’s core-filled processors and Intel’s Core i9 competitors. AMD announces the launch of an application called AMD Dynamic Local Mode, also scheduled for October 29, to ensure that all Threadripper WX users can take full advantage of their processor’s capabilities.

It must be installed manually and runs in the background once Windows is up and running. However, it is possible to disable it in the Ryzen Master Control Panel if necessary.

AMD has just introduced a new technology called Dynamic Local Mode. It targets its second generation Ryzen Threadripper processors. Its purpose is to speed up memory access and improve performance, especially in the game.

According to AMD, dynamic local mode has a significant impact on game performance. There would be increases of up to 47%, which is not trivial.

The task of dynamic local mode is to automatically migrate heavy computer tasks to cores that have direct access to the system’s RAM. Latency is optimized by knowing that the Infinity Fabric is not being used.

What is the dynamic local mode?

The second generation Ryzen Threadripper processors are organized around multiple 6- or 8-core matrices, only two of which have direct access to the computer’s RAM. The others have to go through the Infinity Fabric, which doesn’t promote latency.

With Dynamic Local Mode, AMD proposes to assign cores with direct access to memory to applications that use the most processor resources. For example, this may include games. This dynamic local mode does not require a restart, unlike the Local Memory Access and Distributed Memory Access modes available through the Ryzen Master Utility.

The option to enable dynamic local mode will be available in a future update of the Ryzen Master utility. The release is scheduled for October 29th.