Coding tips, an extension for Chrome that offers coding tips on each new tab

Coding Tips is a simple but interesting extension for Chrome, ideal for those who are just starting to learn to code as well as for those coding experts who may miss out on some aspects that may be useful to them.

Coding tips, an extension for Chrome that offers coding tips on each new tab

This is an extension that offers coding tips for each new tab that opens in Chrome. From Coding Tips, we offer advice for CSS, Javascript, Bash and GIT, although in successive versions the number of supported topics will be increased.

The extension itself will choose the contents of the advice it offers through the Stackoverflow and Github platforms. Users who install the extension will only need to configure the topics on which they want to receive advice.

This is an interesting extension that is in its early stages, under version 0.0.3, but it opens an interesting way to help those who are involved in coding. To install it, simply go to the Chrome Web Store tab.