After three years of work, they open the beta version in the coda.Io. That is a new platform that aims to change the way we work with documents, mixing spreadsheets and text editors as if it were a single entity.
On their website, you can see some examples of what can be done. Although they define it with a quick phrase: “we are the Minecraft of the text editors.” The goal is for users to be able to build any document, including interactive documents, in the same place, without changing tool, URL or application.
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Coda features
We start by defining whether it is an individual document or if we need to collaborate with other people. In the side menu we classify the entities, and when opening each file. Also, we can build tables, writing texts, defining worksheets, creating tasks and even designing Gantt diagrams.
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Words and data on the same site, in an interface that can remind the Trello if we wish, with features that help centralize information and comfortable sharing, but have not yet disclosed what is free and what will belong to its subscription plan.
On its main page, we can inform our email so that we report first hand about the public launch, something that will happen soon, according to those responsible for the project.