Job application: Just a little trick that benefits any cover letter

HR professionals often read hundreds of letters. There’s a trick to making it more exciting for you. Career editor Andreas Weck reveals that this benefits every application. There is a golden rule in the world of journalism regarding good texts: The first sentence must bang! This basically means that if the first sentence is not … Read more

The video of the meteor that illuminated the American night for a moment

Last night there was a shocking phenomenon in the United States. It was, according to the Geological Survey of the United States, a meteorite that entered the Earth’s atmosphere and exploded in the night sky of Michigan. A visual spectacle with which for a few moments it was made by day in the city of Detroit. Luckily for citizens … Read more

NanoPi Neo Plus2 Comes With Raspberry Pi3 Specifications at 25 Dollars

A new rival for the Raspberry Pi has hit the market in form of NanoPi Neo Plus2. And this one is a real competitor of Pi 3 in both price and technical specifications. I do not stop asking such products as Pi competitors. Raspberry Pi has a lot of support among developers, and its competition often expires due to the lack of updating of the Linux distributions they use or the specific software. I see them more specifically as a project rather than a new development.

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Deep Photo Style Transfer Captures the Styles Using Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence

 Deep Photo Style Transfer New AI deep Learning Free Source Code for Adobe. There is a new artificial intellgent algorithm for adob, named as Deep Photo Style Transfer.  These new algorithms can generate a new image by giving another image style, that is it gives the new appearance to the base image using deep learning algorithms. The new feature comes over the internet with the shared platform GIT Hub for software development project. This is free and available to download. Lets see the magic of adobe in more details.

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Amazon has the solution for you to stop returning clothes

Buying online is a practice that every day we do more people: an almost infinite catalog of options, the best prices, pages with incredible discounts, secure payments, return policy that protects the seller, fast shipments. If even Amazon has its drone squadron to deliver your order in the blink of an eye! But there will always be people who … Read more

Fitbit incorporates menstrual cycle tracking to its new smart watches

On the occasion of a recent Fitbit event in New York, the company shows its new products. That we will see in April. Even though the press attention its new smartwatch, and the Ace tracking device. However, the company also decided to talk about the new health features that will incorporate their next smartwatches. Specifically, Fitbit said … Read more