The new family of AMD processors has been introduced, AMD Ryzen Pro. The so called AMD Ryzen Professional series of processors. The new AMD Ryzen Pro processors are unique for the community of players and hardware enthusiasts. The monolithic design of its processors allows adding more cores that favor the CPU tasks for fast performance. For example, the new batch of DirectX 12 video games that will give a better use to these extra cores. We will expect it as the base competitor for Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7, which has enjoyed an absolute market dominance for years.
Motobot: A robot driving a motorcycle, the new Yamaha
Yamaha has put a robot to drive one of his bikes in order to face Valentino Rossi in a circuit. The result was not good for the machines (the robot lost), but the speed acquired by the robot was quite impressive. Here is the video of the race: It was not a modified bike, it did not have … Read more