How to make video conferencing free with open source applications


If you want to make video conferencing with anyone, either your colleagues or your family mates, you can do it free. We have many collected a list of apps through which you can find options to make conference calls with special features. We already know very well which are the applications with which we can communicate via … Read more

4 effective applications to monitor what children do with their mobile

If it is already difficult to control what children and adolescents do on the computer, even more, complicated is knowing what use they give to their mobile phone. For this reason, there are applications that parents can install on their own devices to monitor the online activity of their children, and then we will mention 4 … Read more

MTP Not Detected on Xiaomi Mobiles, 4A, 4x, Note4, Prime, Mi Mix, Mi6, Solution

Solve MTP File Transfer problem in Xiaomi Mobiles. That includes Xiaomi Redmi 4A, 4X, Note 4, Mi Mix. Although this guide can help problem from any mobile vendor to solve their MTP File Transfer problem. We come up with the solution of how to get rid of File transfer problem with your Xiaomi mobiles. First of all, make it clear there is nothing you can do with your mobile. The error generates and resolved from your operating system.

MTP Sucks, What to Do?

However, it does not matter what operating system you use. But if your Xiaomi mobile has stopped detecting on your laptop or PC then it pushes you on the backend. You can re-enable the connection by following these simple steps in our guide at Also, one more thing that it will get detected in Transfer photos PTP mode. But when you select Transfer Files, MPT mode, nothing is happening. That problem sucks.


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Job application: Just a little trick that benefits any cover letter

HR professionals often read hundreds of letters. There’s a trick to making it more exciting for you. Career editor Andreas Weck reveals that this benefits every application. There is a golden rule in the world of journalism regarding good texts: The first sentence must bang! This basically means that if the first sentence is not … Read more

Windows 10 Update Stuck Restart Services Using Simple Commands To Solve Problem

There is no secret that sometimes windows fail to install the updates that Microsoft releases causing a Windows 10 Update Stuck. In most cases the problem stems from the Windows Update service. Sometimes a service restart can solve the problem and continue the update installation process to get rid of Windows 10 Update Stuck.

Windows 10 Update Stuck Restart Services Using Simple Commands To Solve Problem

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How to use the new iOS 11 document scanner

One of those little-known features of iOS 11, the new version of the iPhone and iPad operating system, is to scan physical documents without having to install any third-party applications. It is handy because we can do without a scanner, which in the year 2017 does not make sense, and because it is a fast, … Read more

20 awesome slow motion videos to watch on YouTube

There is something in the slow-motion images that fascinate us. See how something is destroyed, at an exaggeratedly slow pace, suppose a balloon explodes or something falls, call it a drop of water, it is something that hypnotizes and subjugates. The matter becoming something new, completely different, before our eyes and at a rate that is not, at … Read more

Free sources to become master in programming

If we all knew how to program, we would have the solution to many of our problems, because with the code can be created infinities of tools for each product area of society: medicine, finance, entertainment, education, in short, for everything. You do not need to undertake a university career to learn how to program. On … Read more