How to choose between different Windows Mixed Reality Headsets?

Worrying on How to choose between different Windows Mixed Reality Headsets? Since October 17th, the first virtual reality headsets are compatible with Microsoft’s Windows Mixed Reality platform. They were released at the same time as the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. To help you choose the helmet that fits your needs, find out what is the strength … Read more

How to fix 502 bad gateway and what does it mean?

The 502 Bad Gateway error is an HTTP status code that means that one server on the Internet received an invalid reply from another server. The 502 Bad Gateway errors are entirely independent of your particular configuration, which means you can see one in any browser, in any operating system, and on any device. That is, it can … Read more

Best Free Online OCR Tools To Scan Your Documents

OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) programs are a tool that many people use for how convenient it is; can recognize the text of images. For example, documents scanned by the scanner or by the camera of a mobile phone and transformed it into editable text. In the market, you can find an extensive number … Read more

Mirror Lab, an Android photo editor with unique effects

Applications to edit photographs is what is left over. Whether from the mobile, the browser or the PC. Also, we have many alternatives to improve our photos. Also, these include some good and others not so much. In this opportunity, and as always, we will mention an option that stands out among the others. Mirror Lab, an … Read more

How Cell Phones Batteries Work? Basic Principles.

In addition to the quality of the camera and the clarity of the screen, the battery is one of the components that most concern us when buying a mobile. The most common are lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-polymer (Li-Po). But how do they differ? What are their similarities? And, on the other hand, what are the milliamps and how can I know how long it will take to charge my … Read more

5 best programs for photo retouching, beautifying the face

Introducing programs that allow us to perform both simple and advanced retouching of portrait photos. Thanks to the combination of the five best facial enhancement programs, we will achieve a true metamorphosis. We rarely manage to take so many pictures of people, faces or characters that their heroes are completely satisfied with them. In such … Read more