How to create Google keyboard shortcuts in Android

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We tell you How to create Google keyboard shortcuts in Android? We tell you how you can write on the Google keyboard much faster using the keyboard shortcuts that, we will create ourselves. There are applications so complete and with so many options that it is almost impossible to control them completely. That makes us lose … Read more

Best shortcuts to get most of Photoshop

Photoshop is still one of the best alternatives for creating and editing all kinds of images and graphics from different devices. It is easy to get lost in the midst of so many utilities and have control over much of it. To make working with this application easier, here is a compilation of 25 useful … Read more

Microsoft launches a patch for Windows that protects WiFi from KRACK

Microsoft has already released a security patch that protects Windows devices from KRACK (Key Reinstallation AttaCK). Also, that is the attack that endangers most wireless Internet connections due to vulnerabilities in the WPA2 security protocol of WiFi routers.   Click Here For All Available List of Patches For KRACK Wi-Fi Vulnerability Although there are some … Read more

How to move photos from android to PC Wireless

Until now, passing photos from Android to Windows 10 has never been so easy without wires. With a couple of steps, an application and a couple of settings you will move all the photos you want. Passing photos wirelessly to your computer is now possible. One of the advantages of the era in which we find ourselves is … Read more

Convert your PDF files to other formats with Hipdf for free

When our employment, college or university requires us to manage several text files with relevant information to carry out our tasks, we often find ourselves having to change the format of some of them, perhaps to use a tool that does not support the original size. Hipdf is a website where we find several applications … Read more

10 Best Applications for Android VR for Virtual Reality Glasses

If you have purchased virtual reality goggles for your Android smartphone. That gets a quite logical question, what are the most interesting and the best apps on Google Play you should experience for Android VR. So in our selection at OptoCrypto we describe the top 10 best programs for VR-glasses on Android VR.  Android VR Applications … Read more

Convert Raspberry Pi to retro-gaming stations with these solutions

Do you want to change your Raspberry Pi to a gaming station? Do you want to enjoy NES, ATARI games on Raspberry Pi, then we have solutions with great customizations. Enjoy your old video games by building your retro-gaming console with a Raspberry Pi and a dedicated distribution. Whether you have missed the mark or you … Read more


In the world, one in every three inhabitants suffers some sleep disorder according to a report, published in 2017, revealed by the Spanish Association of Neurology. At least 10% of these experience severe or chronic disease. Insomnia is the most common pathology among Spaniards: its causes are diverse, although the predominant one, of course, is the stress to which … Read more

3 programs for Windows to create and edit ePub files

ePub is a free format with which we can read text and images and which can be resized to adapt it to different screen sizes. It is similar to a PDF document. But, how to create files with this format? Typically, before having an ePub data, we must generate a PDF, DOC or other similar one and then transform it into that … Read more