The new Apple TV 4K does not play for videos on YouTube, what is the reason?

Procesador Apple TV K

The announcement of the arrival of the Apple TV 4K was very positive since this range of product needed a facelift to compete in the market. The case is that with the new model of the company’s player Cupertino is allowed to enjoy the maximum video quality possible. But an exception was found: YouTube videos. We tell you the reason. The … Read more

Write using only your voice from the browser with Dictation

Many of the technologies that we have today were unthinkable just a decade ago. And that is true as the fact of being able to take dictations with the computer. But for some time it is possible, even in mobile applications such as Keep. Now, the big companies only hope to include and improve that function in their … Read more

Resolution – which is the right one for best display?

A basic article on resolution shows how to find the monitor with the optimal pixel density (ppi). There are some misunderstandings about resolution. Furthermore, although higher resolutions are always desirable, they also come at a price and sometimes cause problems in practice that were not even expected before the purchase. In the end, dissolution is … Read more

Oculus Go as a game console: Mobile VR is growing

When Oculus and Samsung came around the corner with the Gear VR, there was a lot of interest and the sales figures were correspondingly good. But if you are honest, this VR experience had little to do with the usual quality that the PC revealed to us. A visible flicker, constantly fogged lenses, a high … Read more

Learn How to install Java on Windows 10

The Java name will sound to the vast majority of you. It is a programming language created so that applications could be used without having to worry about anything else. It has been primarily used in web pages to include multimedia content. Although its importance has diminished, it is still an essential part of computers. Also, many applications depend on Java to work. … Read more

What is microLED and why can it be the next revolution of the screens

Apple has announced that it will begin manufacturing its displays. And will specifically use microLED technology. Also, that is known as mLED or μLED. But what does this type of technology consist of? Some already define it as the next revolution in screens; not for nothing: only in South Korea (home of Samsung and other … Read more


The iPhone X is the new Apple mobile, a favorite device with fascinating features, innovative design, and a very high price. Many users have opted for this device for daily use, and the truth is that the combination of processor, camera, screen and the operating system is very, very good. And speaking of the operating system, the iPhone X … Read more