6 Alternatives to Caffeine to Stay Alert

We tell you best Alternatives to Caffeine. Staying awake when you are tired can be challenging. Whether you try to work, tackle the routine of the day after a sleepless night or recover from a trip.

What are the best alternatives to caffeine?

Although the first thing that can come to your mind is to go to caffeine, either by an espresso or an energy drink, there are other ways to be alert, full of energy and without the need to resort to the use of caffeine.

1.- Go for a walk

Walk outside in the open and receive sunlight. While any change in the environment is likely to help drowsiness, physically moving outdoors is usually the best option.

If you can not get out, try opening a window to get fresh air, or at least sit near a window with curtains or blinds retracted to let in natural sunlight. The combination of fresh air, exercise and the change of environment are all signs for your brain to wake up.

2. Listen to music

By listening to a selection of your favorite songs, you release multiple chemicals in your brain that make you feel good and give you the momentum you are requesting. One study showed that when people listen to music that makes them “feel chills” for 15 minutes, it causes your brain to release dopamine, a neurochemical that is involved in pleasure and reward. Your favorite songs also activate other chemical products to feel good, such as serotonin and oxytocin.

3.- Take a nap

Taking a nap lasting 5 to 25 minutes is usually an excellent way to recharge. One study found that an afternoon nap was better than sleeping more at night and using caffeine to overcome the heaviness that often follows lunch. Naps have been shown to improve not only alertness and attention but also some forms of memory consolidation.

4.- Chewing gum

Keeping your mouth busy seems to be an efficient way to alert your mind. Some studies have recommended that chewing gum can be a useful way to reduce daytime sleepiness; This is because the act of chewing somehow increases circulation and activates specific regions of the brain. Recent studies have also shown that chewing gum can help people focus on exams, reduce anxiety and improve reading comprehension.

5.- Change the tasks

An investigation that studied people who worked 12-hour night shifts revealed that monotonous work is as harmful as losing sleep to staying alert. At work or home, try to reserve the most stimulating tasks for those moments of rest.

6.- Give your eyes a rest

Looking at a lens for a long time, like a computer screen, can be detrimental to your eyes and make you cope to keep them open. That is especially true for people who have long working hours in front of a computer. To minimize these risks, it is advisable to reduce the brightness of the screen, blink frequently and look at a distant object, at least every 20 minutes.