What is and how 3D sound works

Who has not gone to the cinema to watch a 3D film with 3D sound? Or enjoyed 3D sound on a 3D TV at home? For now, after the three-dimensional image, the three-dimensional sound arrives. Feeling music is a sensation that we have experienced and enjoyed. But can you go one step further? The answer is yes. The concept of ‘seeing’ music may still seem distant. But the reality is that there are already projects that work to create sound scenes that aim to be the future of music.

3D sound Immersive

First, let’s put the concepts in order, starting with the definition of 3D sound itself: ‘3D sound or immersive sound is that sound that reaches you from any point in space’, explains Adan Garriga, director of Audiovisual Technologies of Eurecat technology center.

That’s the main difference with traditional audio systems. For example, in the stereo, the sound comes from the left or the right. The next step in the music was known as Home Cinema or Surround or 5.1 systems, a system with five speakers where the sounds move in a circle (there are also 7.1). From there, we finally move to 3D audio where you can move the sound around the space, around the entire circumference, creating the sensation of three dimensions.

There are two ways to create this type of audio:

Through loudspeakers spread all over the space around us, so that, for example, a bird can be made to sound above or as if it flew around the listener.
Using binaural technology in which this music comes from headphones.

To understand a bit more the definition of binaural technology we must consider how the brain knows sound. It is a complicated process since it has to combine what comes from both ears, from two different directions. The 3D sound tries to lock noise in the head, like in a can.

With the distribution of many speakers through space, we can create the sensation of 3D if we say to each sound in each moment of where it should leave. But what if the user moves?

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From the quest for this real 3D sound sensation they know a lot at the Eurecat technology center. Garriga has been pursuing 3D sound for over ten years, driven by his interest in uniting physics and music. A rare mix, although not so much if we consider that Garriga doctorate in Physics, but also finished the piano career. In a team that is made up of musicians, it was apparent that the project would revolve around this sector.

From there came Sfëar, a professional software for creating songs and live 3D music sessions. That aspire to become the new standard of the music industry. A project that is already a reality that many visitors could see in the last Sónar + D held in Barcelona in June.

3D sound scenes

With Sfëar, music creators can place sounds in space, create sound views, decide where to put each instrument or each voice.

To enjoy this type of music, you need to use headphones. In fact, one of the characteristics of this system is that the sound can react to the movements of the head of the person who is listening. That is: in a traditional system when the user depends on where the speaker is. In this new method, no, because the sound rotates with the user.

Listeners, on the other hand, feel as if they are within the action itself. It comes with the same sensation that we experience with the 3D image. Much more than with a surround system.

The progress of this team began much earlier, in Barcelona Media (Eurecat is the merger of several technology centers like this). It is where they developed Imm-Sound, a technology that went to the cinema. It even came to be used in the well-known film ‘The Impossible’ (2012). That particular sound was recognized by the Academy with the Goya for the best Soundtrack.

Sound in 3D

From there, the software was acquired by Dolby and evolved into what is now known as Dolby Atmos. Although many cinemas have this technology, the sector does not seem to find the point to 3D sound, and uses are few. ‘In movies, a 3D sound is not used all the time. Standard sound is used, and in particular scenes, especially of action, they use the full potential of 3D sound. It is something that the viewer perceives because it is something that artists have decided to do so, ” says Garriga.

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And if in the cinema does not seem that the technology will explode in the next years, yes that there are other sectors where it begins to gain protagonist. ‘In virtual reality, it seems that it is clear that 3D audio will make a difference. Because there the sound has to be by the image,’ Garriga says.

Ready to enjoy a new immersive and immersive sound experience?