YouTube tests its new Incognito Mode on Android

For those who don’t want to leave traces of their views and other activities on YouTube, Google’s own online video platform is currently testing its new Incognito Mode functionality in its Android application, which can be used by all selected users in their testing phase.

This is a new feature that will soon reach both YouTube and YouTube Music, as found within the source code of both applications, according to AndroidPolice.

Its operation is simple. In this regard, users will need to go to their avatar within the application, available at the top right of the screen. Once they press the button, they will see that the Change Account and Logout buttons have been grouped into a new button, and there is also a new button available for activating the Incognito Mode.

When activated, the avatar will be changed to a specific icon, implying that users can now use YouTube without leaving a trace of their activities, avoiding the need to log out and making tedious privacy settings, where they will also not have access to their subscriptions, which will remain hidden.

Once the new Incognito Mode is disabled, users can reuse their accounts as if they were nothing, with access to their subscriptions, viewing history, and more. In this way, YouTube joins the list of applications that already offer their “Incognito Mode” to make it easier to use without leaving any trace of their activity.

All that remains now is for this new functionality to reach all users.