Windows 10, USB Stick and PC crash, no patch needed according to Microsoft

Windows 10 is affected by a bug that causes the PC to crash when a specific USB key is inserted. The problem reported almost a year ago has still not been resolved. According to Microsoft, it is not useful to work on this problem. Explanation.

Windows 10, USB Stick and PC crash, no patch needed according to Microsoft

Windows 10 is not perfect like all operating systems. Over the years and versions, problems are discovered and usually solved using patch and fix. On GitHub, the security researcher, Marius Tivadar explains, however, an unusual position on behalf of Microsoft.

A bug causes a beautiful blue screen of death (BSOD) when inserting a USB key embedding an NTFS image “home.” According to him, the problem was reported to Microsoft in July 2017. He explains

“Microsoft was very responsive to my disclosure one year ago, but they didn’t release a security patch.

Although this problem only generates a crash for Marius Tivadar, it is indeed a security problem similar to a denial of service.

“Inserting a USB stick when the computer is locked triggers many codes to be executed by the operating system, such as mounting file systems. Fortunately, this bug can only generate a BSOD and nothing more. It cannot be militarized. In some scenarios, a blue screen of death could be unacceptable.

On the Microsoft side, it would not be useful to fix this bug. In a private conversation with the researcher, the firm justified itself. In his opinion, bug exploitation requires physical access to the machine and essential skills.

The problem does not only concern Windows 10 since all versions of Windows, from Windows XP to Windows 7 via Windows 10 April 2018 Update are concerned.

Microsoft has not made any public statements around this. We don’t know if the giant will back down on its position.