WhatsApp will let you send photos from your PC without quality loss

Sending photos between devices with WhatsApp is something that many users do, but the results are not the best. With the app, you can’t send photos without losing quality. Fortunately, this will soon change in the PC version. It will be possible to send pictures without losing quality or resolution.

WhatsApp will allow you to send photos without quality loss

This will be official in the web version. No more problems with quality loss when we want to send a photo to someone or to ourselves in personal chat, which is already available in the app.

No loss of quality

When we want to send photos through WhatsApp, we will be able to choose in the application how we want to do it. That is, we will be able to choose if we want the photos compressed, as is currently the case, or if we want to send them in their maximum quality. It will be possible to choose the HD option, so there will be no loss of quality when sending the photos.

This is something that can be used in the different versions of the messaging app. WhatsApp web users will also be able to choose the quality of the photos they send. So, if there are photos where we really want to avoid the quality loss, it is possible to avoid it with this option.

This feature is currently under development, but is expected to be available soon for all users of the web version of the popular application. This is a feature that many have wanted for a long time, to avoid the loss of quality when sending photos. So it’s finally something that those in charge are going to introduce.