How to watch Netflix at 1080p in Chrome and Firefox browsers

How to watch Netflix at 1080p in Chrome and Firefox browsers? Netflix, we all know what we can do on Netflix: enjoy the best film productions, television and more than 45 original proposals of the platform, such as Stranger Things. But each Netflix user has various options and features available to them according to the subscription plan: Basic, Standard or Premium. But also according to the equipment they use to watch those videos and the speed of the Internet they have.

For example, in matters of video quality, only those with Microsoft Edge. Or the Netflix Windows Store application will be able to enjoy the videos in 4K resolution. In Safari – Mac OS X, Internet Explorer – Windows and Google Chrome in Chrome OS, we can get 1080p. Otherwise, the available resolution is 720p in Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Netflix at 1080p in Chrome and Firefox

There is an extension that gives us the option to watch Netflix at 1080p in Chrome or Firefox in any operating system, and it’s just called Netflix 1080p.

This extension has the sole purpose of making any user of Netflix, even those with a Linux version on their computer, enjoy videos at 1080p. That is, eliminate the limitation of the 720p that by default applies to Firefox browsers and Google Chrome.

However, it also offers functions such as modifying the download speed as 4300 Kbps or 5800 Kbps for 1920 × 1080. For this, we can occupy the shortcut Ctrl-Shift-Alt-S while the extension is active on Netflix.

This open-source extension is compatible with the Mozilla browser and Google. And that is all free and very effective. But we must take into account that not all the videos of the platform can be viewed at 1080p, so it will not depend on the extension but this feature.

Either way, it’s worth trying if we do not have Chrome OS, MacOS X or any of the other systems that do not limit the resolution.

You can download the Netflix 1080p plugin from the  Chrome store, or the Firefox version by following this link.