Virry VR An Application To Enter The Wildlife of Africa In PSVR

Virry VR A special PSVR application that will make you visit Africans wildlife. After the BBC joint working Oculus produces the second series of “Planet Earth”.

Virry VR An Application To Enter The Wildlife of Africa In PSVR

Virry VR Three Modes of Operations

So that the audience through the Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR know about the caravan and black bear with three different animals. Now Sony presents the new application in the European and American PlayStation application store shelves. The application is “Virry VR”. That allows users have the best 4K visual into the African savannah natural habitat. Immersed with a variety of different wild animals with intimate contact.

“Virry VR” is developed by Fountain Digital Labs Limited. The experience offers three types of play:

The first is a real-time interactive experience, the player plays and navigate through the controller. So with a piece of meat you can lure the lion, or you can have an elephant feeding. You can also have a close watch of the zebra, or with the rhino to share the sun mud bath.

The second is a immersive relaxation experience. This offers a calm background music to bring you into the refreshing beauty of Africa, so as to relax your mind.

The third is a live experience, through the installation of Kenya Leva Wildlife Sanctuary (Lewa Conservancy) of the high-definition camera. Here players can watch the whole day of the animal breeding process.

Animals that can now interact with players includes lions, monkeys, zebra, elephants, hyenas, jaguards and rhinoceros. And this application will soon join giraffes, cheetahs, baboons and other animals.

“Virry VR” is priced at $ 9.99 and is compatible with PSVR. It is worth noting that although this is just a child  immersive contact with African animals experience. But Sony does not recommend to view this if you are younger than 12 years. However this application provides great experience to the users of PSVR.