A trick to see messages deleted in WhatsApp

Since WhatsApp launched the possibility to delete messages after they were sent. Also, the curiosity of users has multiplied every time the message ” So and so has erased this message ” appears. It is inevitable if someone has erased it, it is something. And that reason is too attractive to ignore.

Although WhatsApp has been concerned enough to avoid that it is possible to read an erased message. There is a trick that allows you to do so, and in our new video we comment it:

A method to see messages deleted in WhatsApp

As you can see, use the received notifications to look at the notes before they have been removed. We just have to open the app that we mentioned in the video and browse WhatsApp notifications. Until we find the one that contained the original text. Depending on the activity we have on WhatsApp it may take a while to find the content, but it will always be there.

New Whats App Delete Sent Messages and Trace Location

The application is not very attractive, and it has access to all the notifications of all the apps, but we can configure it so that it does not save those of specific applications, thus helping to protect our privacy.

It is a trick that cannot easily tear down since all messages can arrive via notification. And there is no way to prevent another app from keeping those announcements in a separate database.