Scientists Transmit 50 Tb/s with a Photonic chip in Optical Fiber Communications

A team of researchers from the Technological Institute of Karlsruhe in Germany along with the Photonics Laboratory of the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne in Switzerland has set the speed record in optical communications. They announce that it is possible to transmit data to more than 50 terabits per second through A photonic chip.

Transmit 50 Tb/s using Photonic chip A myth?

In addition, to carry out their work, scientists have used silicon nitride microresonators. That easily integrates into compact communication systems. Within these resonators, the optical solitons are in the continuously circulating state. Consequently generating broadband optical frequency combs.

In case you do not know these concepts. The optical solitons are packages of solitary waves that propagate without changing its form in a nonlinear medium. In optical communications, solitons can be used for the generation of frequency combs with several spectral lines. With which efficient, compact and high-capacity optical communication systems are realized. 

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In addition, what are the Frequency combs? for the part, consist of a multitude of spectral lines aligned in a regular grid of the same distance. Which have large optical bandwidth along with large line separations, allowing them to transmit data with great efficiency. Also with each individual spectral line is used to transmit a separate data channel.

In the study, researchers have employed two interspersed frequency combs to transmit data on 179 individual optical carriers. Which covers the entire optical telecommunication bands C and L. By means of this method they succeeded to able to carry out a transmission of data at a rate of 55 terabits per second through a distance of 75 km. Which is equivalent to 5,000 calls of telephone or more than two million channels of HD television.

“It is the highest data rate that a web has ever reached using a frequency comb source in a chip format,” said Christian Koos, one of the team members says “This is an important step towards the development of high-efficiency chip-scale transceivers for future petabit networks.”