TouchSense Force Immersion Combiing Hardware and Software Solutions for VR Immersive Experience

Immersion, that is a leading developer and licensee of touch feedback technology field. Today they announces the TouchSense Force.

Immersion tactile feedback technology makes Touch experience more immersive

That is a combination of hardware and software product hoping to enhance the tactile feedback game controllers and peripherals in order to make better the experience of VR. There are devices that already support this TouchSense Force. These devices are Nintendo Switch host JoyCons, and Oculus Touch.

TouchSense Force Hardware and Software Solution?

In terms of software, TouchSense Force provides an Unreal Engine plug-in that includes a visual editor that allows developers to pinpoint the content from the feedback controller. There is also an API that allows developers to use their own custom engine.

Basically, the company gives Oculus Touch game developer tools to create more accurate tactile feedback that reflects in specific situations in TouchSense Force.In ter ms of hardware, new Immersion provides a reference design that allows OEMs to integrate Force into its own device.

So with action triggers that are pushed and triggered. And a more realistic view in the VR to capture objects. Maybe we can see the future of the Steam VR controller or other VR devices to implement this technology. Here the company will show its technology next week at GDC.

Anyone interested can go through the official website and may apply for early visits.