Titan: New Google security keys arrived

Google recommends physical security keys as an effective method to prevent phishing of potential user accounts, and the company boasts that none of its more than 85,000 employees have been affected since it introduced this additional authentication method in its accounts with a previous version of this system early last year.

Well, the new version of this system, called Titan Security Key, is now available for Google Cloud users, and by the end of the summer, it will also be available for end users through the Google Store.

In practice, this is a set of physical security features that serve as an additional level of authentication when logging into accounts, rather than using additional verification by other methods, such as code in SMS messages.

One of the buttons acts as a remote control and the other is connected to the device or device from which you want to start the session and is available in both Bluetooth and USB memory.

It has firmware developed by Google itself. According to CNet, it comes in a package with the USB and Bluetooth versions for $50, but can also be purchased separately for $25 each.