After weeks of rumors, Telegram Premium will arrive this month. Pavel Durov, the owner of the popular messaging app, has confirmed that this paid subscription will be made official this June. It is the first clear way in which the creator of the app seeks to monetize it, an interesting step about which we will know everything soon.
Telegram Premium will be launched this month
The idea is that users who opt for this paid subscription will be able to get a number of additional features in the app on their phones.
Additional features
Details of Telegram Premium have not yet been revealed, and are expected to happen soon, but users who subscribe will be able to get access to additional features. The normal features of the messaging app are still going to be available for free to everyone. While if you want to be able to enjoy some extra features or be the first to receive updates, then you can sign up for this new subscription.
These weeks there have been some rumors about these features. There is talk of having the ability to send larger files, up to 4 GB, remove ads in the app, be in twice as many groups, and more. Although those responsible for the app have not yet confirmed which of them will be part of the subscription.
Luckily, we will soon have all the details about Telegram Premium. An interesting move by those responsible for the app, which will monetize the app. Users will be able to continue using it for free as before, and if the extra features in the subscription interest you, you can get it. It is not known the price that this subscription will have.