Google Play now allows you to try premium games

Google announced many new features in the Play store, which brings developers and experts together to discuss the latest updates and dynamics implemented in some of its products.

One of the new features is related to Google Play Instant, a feature announced by Google in March that allows users to test Google Play games and apps without having to install them. An interesting option, but it only included these free products.

And now it is time to extend this option and give users the opportunity to try premium content as well. This means we will be able to test demos of upcoming versions in apps or games of paid products. The dynamics are simple as this option is added next to the buy button as we see in the picture:

All we have to do is choose “Try Now”, and we will have the game or app for a limited time to test its dynamics and see if it meets our expectations before we decide to buy it.

Google mentions some options that are already available under this dynamic, such as Umiro, the game ReturningDigital, Looney Tunes A World of Crazy, by Scopely, which has not yet been released and is in the pre-registration phase.

It is an interesting option, both for users who will be able to test the content, and for developers who will have a new resource to create an audience and encourage them to test their products without paying a penny.