RTX 4060 is priced similarly to RTX 3070 in notebooks

Pre-sale notebooks with Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 appear to be comparable in price to those with RTX 3070.

RTX 4060 notebooks have a similar or higher price than RTX 3070 notebooks

Pricing for notebooks with the RTX 4060 GPU has already surfaced in China and doesn’t seem to be as attractive to consumers, as the mid-range RTX 40 reportedly costs more than the mid-range RTX 30 in notebooks.

The price increases we have seen on the current generation RTX 40 desktop are also reflected in higher sales in the notebook segment.

According to dealer information from My Drivers, pre-orders for GeForce RTX 4060 notebooks start between 7999 and 8999 RMB (1200 and 1300 US dollars). These prices correspond to the lower price range, but the high-end notebooks cost a bit more, with prices ranging from 8999-9999 RMB (up to $1500). These values are similar or higher than the laptops that were launched with the RTX 3070 at the time.

This could mean that notebooks with RTX 4070s could be priced in the $2,000 range.
Despite the price increase, Nvidia expects a lot from its RTX 40 notebook GPUs in all segments.

AMD is also working to launch its RX 7000 series notebook GPUs in the first half of 2023. We will keep you up to date