Raising a Rukus Animated series With the Quality of Pixar From VRC

The Virtual Reality Company (VRC) is working on Raising a Rukus animated series. Raising a Rukus is an animated virtual reality series for the Pixar level. The new series production appears also in cinemas as well as for the VR glasses.

Raising a Rukus Animated series With the Quality of Pixar From VRC

“Raising a Rukus” tells the story of two brothers and sisters, who together with their daring dog Rukus travel through magical worlds and experience adventures. The movie format is created as a series, each episode takes about twelve minutes.

Raising a Rukus For Virtual Reality

In the spring, theaters are going to get this movie in cinemas of Canada. In the course of the summer the production will further gets out and will also appear for VR glasses.

Some of the consequences are a bifurcated action. So for the best experience audience should have to look at the story for several times. Sometimes one can experience the story from the perspective of the both sister and the brother.

VRC’s co-founder and Oscar winner (Avatar, design) Robert Stromberg compares the new series with a short film by Pixar. But it concludes with a significantly increased middle-of-the-line feelings for this movie.

Steven Spielberg helped with the development

Stromberg’s company has received more than 25 million US dollars from its inception since the company’s founding.  Including Steven Spielberg, who supported the development of the new series as a creative consultant. Curiosity: among other things, the metalica singer James Hetfield have also invested in the startup of this project.

Stromberg does not believe in an overnight success of the new medium. He rather speculates that his startup could have an optimal initial situation when the mainstream reaches the VR glasses. “When the sun rises for VR, we are there,” says Stromberg to Variety .

The fact that Virtual Reality could never reach this point, he concludes. “VR is too powerful for getting totally disappear. Over time, people will recognize this power.”

The so far most well-known project of the Virtual Reality Company VR-experience.