The new Qualcomm Snapdragon G3x chip powers Razer’s upcoming handheld console. As you can see from the images, Razer has partnered with Qualcomm to produce a developer kit. The handheld console in question comes with a 120Hz OLED screen, HDR support, and touts a big 6,000mAh battery. Based on other yet-to-be-released slides, the handheld console could be advertised as dedicated to game streaming, though it’s unclear if it’s made for that purpose and why it has high-end specs.
Snapdragon G3x powers Razer’s handheld gaming console
Razer’s handheld console has shipped to developers with devkits that use the Snapdragon G3x chip. This chip would be designed specifically for a handheld gaming console like this Razer device.
We’ve obtained slides showing Qualcomm’s upcoming Snapdragon SoCs for 2022 products, including the aforementioned G3x.
This developer kit was developed in collaboration with Razer, with a console that has a very high-quality OLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and HDR capabilities.
The console also surprises with a 1080p webcam and connectivity with Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.2.
The slides also reveal another chip, the flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen1, which is 20% faster and 30% more efficient compared to the company’s current flagship SoC.
The manufacturing process will be 4nm and has a fourth-generation Adreno GPU. This integrated GPU provides around 60% better graphics performance while consuming 25% less power than the previous generation, although it is not specified exactly which model it is compared to.
Razer wants to get its Steam Deck competitor ready as soon as possible, and developers are already working on their games to make them fully compatible.
Qualcomm is also said to be working on a chipset that will supposedly compete with the M1, so there’s no way to confirm whether the Snapdragon G3x is the kind of unnamed chip we talked about earlier. Assuming it is, we could see some Gold+ cores designed to deliver higher levels of performance, coupled with an NPU that learns from your usage habits and works accordingly to deliver the longest possible battery life.
Unfortunately, until the embargo is lifted and Qualcomm makes an official announcement, our readers will have to sit back and patiently wait for future updates.